Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Although you can place an order as a guest, creating a Sapphire account will enhance your shopping experience by keeping you up to date with exclusive offers and updates, storing your billing / shipping information and ensuring faster checkouts.

Yes, you can place your order by calling us at +52 999 114 4579 and messengers too, Please ensure to provide the article number, color and size of the product you wish to purchase.

All payment information on our website is processed on a fully encrypted and secure platform and kept confidential with only authorized personnel having access to your information.

Local order delivery can take between 5 – 7 working days, and International delivery can take between 10 – 15 working days; depending on the size and availability of the product. Orders are processed within 24 hours and are generally scheduled for delivery on the next working day. Timely delivery is subject to availability of stocks and payment authorizations. In certain cases, we might request for some form of payment verification or source to process the order.

Customer information pertaining to name, card billing details and shipping addresses are necessary to process any electronic transactions via credit/debit cards. These are essential inputs into the fraud detection mechanisms.

Orders dispatched or processed cannot be cancelled or edited. If the customer refuses to accept the order at the time of delivery, Sapphire is not liable to refund or compensate for the order amount.

Store address

C 55D #405 x 58 y 56, Fraccionamiento Francisco de Montejo, CP 97203

Send us an email

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